Getting fit – swag, trend, or health?

29 July 2021 By admin Off

Being fit became very popular recently. More and more people exercise regularly, go to healthy living events and pay attention to the composition of the produce that they buy. Why do they do that? Is it because of fashion? Do they want to get attention and awe of their friends? And even if they do, is it really a bad thing?

The world of fashion

Every generation has its time, and the fashion of that time has its own rules. And it doesn’t just apply for hair, clothes or accessories we use everyday, but also certain behaviors and lifestyle. We just need to take a look at advertisements, popular social media accounts or magazine covers. We are constantly being “attacked” by snow-white smiles, perfectly sculpted bodies and their owners – successful people, whose life is like a walk in the park. Everyone, who has a bit of brain and healthy distance can see through this lie, of course, and know that it’s an exaggerated picture.

In real life it’s hard to find a person, who would succeed in everything. The picture of a perfect life created on the internet can really influence how we act and look at things. We often envy these “perfect people” for their perfect bodies, work success or travelling opportunities. Some people react to these colorful pictures with anger, others with envy, and some with regret. But there are also those, who treat these perfect people as a source of motivation.

Watching people who already achieved what we aspire for can be a real kick-start for action, causing us to make changes to our lives. We start to follow in their footsteps and do anything to be like them. On one hand, constantly comparing ourselves to others can give way to frustration, but on the other hand… if we treat them as an inspiration to change our lives for the better, then there’s nothing wrong about that.

Gym and fitness – hipster swag?

“I go to law school, do crossfit and I’m vegetarian”. Some time ago this sentence was bringing out many ironic smiles in people who considered regular exercise and dietary restrictions a great source of jokes. But is it really? Should healthy lifestyle, paying attention to what you eat and going to the gym really be a source of shame? Why did we find it so funny that someone decided to take care of themselves and spend their free time actively? Even if they only do that to impress their friends and post a picture in a tight shirt on Instagram, I don’t really get what’s so bad about that.

I think it’s better to spend your time like that than waste away on a couch, eating fatty chips. It’s true that gyms and fitness clubs are filled to the brim lately. It’s true that some people only do it for show and care more about the attention and improving their appearance. There are people who can’t visit a gym without informing their faithful followers about that. I personally don’t feel that need, but I can understand that some people find some satisfaction and joy in that. And if they do, I have no problem with that. I’d rather focus on my own training and the contents of my plate than criticize people who exercise “for show”.

No matter if they do it consciously or not, they are improving their stamina and mood, and reducing the risk of many illnesses. As such, this trend is very useful and I see many upsides to it. Propagating an active lifestyle can even positively affect the health of a whole society. It’s been known for centuries that sport equals health. It allows us to reduce stress, relax and charge up on positive energy. By exercising regularly we can have more energy to deal with our everyday issues. And so you could say that this lifestyle gives us a better chance at feeling happy and satisfied with our life.

Fit influencers – is there something wrong about them?

Facebook, YouTube or Instagram have a lot of accounts that talk about physical activities and healthy eating. I think that any one of us can name at least a few internet creators or bloggers, who share their tips and opinions about being a happy and fit person. Personal trainers, dancers, volleyball players, football players… They share their stories, talk about trainings and show what kind of exercises you can do, as well as how to do them to look good like they do. They show products they buy and the meals they prepare with it. They share good, dietary recipes with tables full of detailed information. Seeing their internet activity we could think that all their lives consist of training and preparing healthy meals. These kind of fit influencers often have to deal with haters. Let’s stop and think why is that.

If someone knows their stuff, is passionate about sports and wants to share that passion with others, then it shouldn’t be a problem, right? I personally think that most of the people that criticize fit influencers are simply lazy, complaining people that seek excuses. They envy other people’s will, determination, or simply their muscular stomachs. Of course, not everybody has to have a body like some Greek god. Some people don’t care for that at all and, instead of sweating in the gym, would rather grab a book and sit under a warm blanket. And that’s great too – everybody should live the way they like and do what they think is best for them. But here’s a question: if you’re not interested in a certain way of life, then why follow profiles that talk about it and criticize people that do find it interesting and pleasant?

The positive influence of fit fashion

Shaping healthy habits can really result in better health, both physical and mental. Various topics connected to healthy eating and physical activity are getting more and more popular on the internet and social media. Thanks to this, more and more people learn about it and can, for example, make changes to their diet. People now often pay more attention to the produce they buy. They research their origins and carefully read the labels. They are also more likely to encounter fun facts, recipes or tips that can inspire them. More and more people are minimizing the amount or altogether cutting out animal produce from their diets, which is also a good thing for the planet.

Thanks to fit fashion more people started to care about their stamina. Even on the streets we can see many people spending their time actively – running, biking, roller skating.Gyms and fitness clubs are also immensely popular at almost any given time of day, and sometimes even at night. For many people, sport is a diversion from their everyday duties and work stress. It’s a great way to reset your brain, gather your thoughts and calm your mind. Physical activity helps to maintain the inner balance and charge our batteries – letting us regenerate and regain energy.

The fit trend, although it has its enemies, has a positive influence on shaping healthier habits. Getting inspired by people who train everyday, realize their goals with consistency, and plan their meals carefully can be very helpful to us. We can not only lose some weight and post gym pics on instagram, but also take care of our body and mind.